Thursday, March 24, 2022

What you need to know about Hacking, to start your carreer in this field ?

 Well,Hacking is all about taking advantages of vulnurability and using it against the company or something that harm the company or organisation that goes against it or finding vulnerability and makin g system more stronger  against these kind of  threats.

In simple words this is art of exploitations and taking advantages of it .

Well it come under variety of intentions, simple saying that the intentions of someone that he meant to be whether he or she has good mean or something bad intentions abour the company or organisations .       

If someone intents is just to find vulnerability and make system or network more secure, then that is termed as ethical hacking.

If someone intents is more than that and wants to use that vulnerability against the company or organisation and hurts the company, whether it for profit or just to look cool, it comes under cybercrime and it is punishable offence and it may jail or million of dollar fine .

So be a good hacker and make system stronger by using your skills and protect you and your friends, family, nations by using it in right place.

Their is also more demands for ethical hackers for top level organisatons, company, which they hire them to find out vulnerability and make their system more secure against these kind of threats which if occur could cost them millions of dollars and could face fine from government for not making safe their data and exposing it to millions of dollar to black market.

So their are lot of opportunities in these field, in the past few years there has been significant rise in job opportunities in these domain.

Take advantages of it be a good hacker that protect it system from these kind of  threat and protect you and your nations .

Thanks for the reading :)

Made with Love and Curiosity.


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